Wednesday, 20 February 2013

My Opinion on Traffic Lights

Hi! I like traffic lights!
Actually, no, I don't. They're so suspenseful!
Will I make the light? When I do, I'm like YES!
Then I look behind me to see who else made it.
If it's yellow, I'm like GOOO!!!
But if we don't make it, I'm like NOOO!!!
Then all the cars that are going the other way and have a green light are like HAHA! We get to go and you DON'T!
Then I'm like :(
But then when our light turns green, I do that to the other people. That's fun.
Traffic lights are annoying, though. Especially when you're late.
And why is the green light always longer going the other way?
What's with that?
I have concluded that I do NOT like traffic lights.
PERIOD! (Like the dot, not the female thing...)

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